About FridleInGeneral:
I'm FridleInGeneral - some of you may know me from the Youtube Channels GrayFridle or FridleUTAU. On my main channel, GrayFridle, I create gaming content and have art related livestreams from time to time. FridleUTAU is my hobby channel where I upload occational UTAU covers and UTAU related speedpaints. ^^
As a lot of artist might answer when asked, I've been drawing a lot since I was little. However it wasn't until late summer 2014 I started to try to improve my drawing skills after I discovered the concept of Vocaloids. Vocaloid is basically a voice synthesizer that allows people to create computer generated vocals for songs. Not only did I enjoy the songs and videos people made with this software, I also really loved the character designs for most of the voices. It did not take long before the fanboy in me started to think "what would 'my' vocaloid look like?". So I started to search ways to actually make a vocaloid of my own and found a free program called UTAU that allows you to make and use your own voicebanks. With that it was decided, I was going to make my own singing character.
In pursuit of fullfilling my dream of "becoming" a vocaloid (like the fanboy I was) I started cramming information about drawing, especially on how to draw manga, because my character was NOT going to look like something a five year old made. I borrowed books from the library, watched all kinds of artists on YouTube and drew as much as I could, not only to get better but because I started to really enjoy doing it.
After a few months I had improved my skills to the point where I felt comfortable and I could finally design my character. The pose was a bit stiff and some proportions might have been off, however I had made a drawing that I am still proud of till this day. At that point I knew that I wanted to continue drawing for a very long time. ^^
During these past few years I have drawn pictures for four local entrepreneurs, a few people in the UTAU community and a few smaller youtubers. It's been a fun journey, and I bet it'll continue that way. ^^
Have a great day. ^w^/